【合作要求】:小量批发只针对本公司有现货的款,目前已陆续开发到100余款。每款订量20个以上,混批款数不限,公司致力于人性化的管理及服务,力求做到更好,从而为客户占据市场提供强有力的保障。本公司产品造型独特,做工精细,款式新颖,品种齐全,质量优良,产品远销中东、欧美、日本、东南亚等几十个国家和地区,深受国内外客户的青睐。 【技术指标】
【性能】 此产品燃点在47-65度之间,所以燃烧很稳定,安全性高。燃烧时无烟,对人体无任何副面影响。
【适用范围】 (1)食品工业 【包装】 出于对工艺蜡烛外在造型及运输方面的安全,以及提高客人对产品的了解和购买欲望,所以我们的产品包装主要以彩纸底盒+PVC罩,PVC盒+彩色丝带+答谢卡等主包装方式占主导地位,从而做到美观,不受损等优点。 【产品服务】 本产品保证质量、价格合理、实行三包、送货上门、代办运输,量大价格优惠。 公司生产的蜡烛是纯石蜡做的用手工艺加工而成,可以任意添加各种香味从而达到美化环境的效果,燃烧无烟,产品远销中东及欧美! 【公司简介】 淮安艺铭工艺礼品有限公司,座落于伟人恩来故里——江苏淮安,是一家专业生产工艺蜡烛、日用蜡烛、蜡制品、居家工艺礼品等生产型厂家,公司集批发、零售、订单一体,欢迎咨询。 公司拥有先进的蜡烛工艺品生产设备,具备一批美术院校毕业的新产品设计开发研制人员和技术管理人员,经验丰富,工艺精湛,公司平均每天开发一款产品,新颖、时尚、创新,支持小量批发,公司常备货物达200款,为客户占据市场提供强有力的保障。 生产产品有圣诞节系列、情人节系列、婚礼系列、植物水果系列、美容香熏系列、佛教用品、日用系列等各种蜡烛,同时为了满足产品的日益多元化,公司还配套生产了许多新产品,如情侣用品、节日礼品等。造型独特,做工精细,款式新颖,品种齐全,质量优良,产品远销中东、欧美、日本、东南亚等几十个国家和地区,深受国内外客户的青睐。 公司始终坚持“质量第一,用户至上”的经营宗旨,竭诚欢迎海内外人士前来洽谈业务,共同发展,让世界多一份温馨,营造一个温馨、浪漫、和平的世界 A-main Gift Co., Ltd.is a professional candle gift factory. We can explore, design, and establish your products. We have had domestic and export clients for more than a decade. Our factory is an area of more than 10,000 square meters, and employs more than 200 staffs. In addition, we have experts and engineers in research department. Our major products include all kinds of candle such asChristmas Candle series, Valentine's Day candle series, plant fruit candle series, joss-stick fume candle series, daily candle series, Buddhism supplies series etc.. At the same time for satisfying the product increasingly diversity, the company also produces many hairdressings suit to make a set, such as nail file, glass file etc.
We can work for customers flexibly. You can give us your pattern, or we can design it for you. Our products are variations and high-class. We not only guarantee our products high quality, but also high profit margins.
Our company is continually high quality control, technique creating, and skill improving. In managing wise, we employ many creative, energetic and enthusiasm business people. So, we can guarantee our products wide variety, high-tech and stylish.
Our mission is"quantity first, customer highest".We make sure high quality to build up international brands. We and you can establish incredible business together. |